The Department of Psychiatry provides comprehensive care for a wide spectrum of psychiatric disorders & psychological problems.
The highlight of Psychiatric Unit is providing services in the area of Psychiatric / Mental Illness, Sexual Disorder & Drug De-Addiction (all type of drugs).
The department also providing counseling to children with various developmental disorders, emotional problems and learning & scholastic difficulties.

The department also has excellent liaison services with the other medical and surgical departments for the interdisciplinary management of psychosomatic (mental/emotional) disorders.
This includes counseling services for surgical cases and the management of psychiatric co-morbidity in patients with physical disorders.
Team That Care
Services offered
Psychiatry Clinic (Outdoor & Indoor)
Drug De-Addiction Centre (Outdoor & Indoor)
Sexual Dysfunction Clinic
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
Trans Cranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
Counseling / Psychotherapy
Epilepsy / Fits
Child Problems (Counseling & Medicinal Treatment)
20 bed Psychiatry ward for admissions, government licensed & made as per Mental Health Act.
Facility for long term admission (1-3 months).
Separate treatment room to handle Violent/Non cooperative patients.
Facility to transport Violent/ Acute patients from home to hospital.
- One of its kinds, sexual health lab for treatment of all types of sexual disorders in males, females & couples. The Counseling is given before pre marital or past marital.
- Practical sex education & treatment is provided to couples by internationally approved sex therapies.
- There is a specially designed treatment & counseling room for practical understanding of sexual techniques. e.g. newly married couples have difficulties in making sexual contact. In this facility patient & psychiatrist sit in different room & interact for the solution of the problem.
- The sexual medicine lab is backed by urologists, endocrinologists & gynecologists.